My Master Login is not working
Your old password likely does not work anymore. To log into your Master Account, you will first have to recover the password. A new password will be sent to you through e-mail.
I forgot my e-mail address
If you don't remember what e-mail you used for your Master Account, it's usually best to contact us through a Support Ticket on our Discord server. There we will be able to help you find your e-mail address.
When I try to login, it says my account does not exist
If your Master Account does not seem to exist anymore, there is a chance that it was cleared out by us during a server migration in the past. Don't worry! All your game accounts will still be there and have never been deleted. The best course of action is to make a new Master Account with the same e-mail address that you used in the past. After that, send a Support Ticket through our Discord server or through our website. There we will be able to link your game accounts to your new Master Account.
I cannot recover my password because I lost access to my e-mail address
Do you know what your game accounts are but the e-mail address they are registered to does not exist anymore or you last access to it? Don't worry. Generally speaking we'll be able to link your game accounts to a new e-mail address as long as you can supply us with enough details to prove that you are the owner of the accounts. Please send a Support Ticket through our Discord server. We'll be able to help you out there, no worries!
My password recovery e-mail is not arriving
Sometimes when you try to send a password recovery e-mail, the e-mail doesn't seem to arrive. First, remember to check your spam/junk mail box. If it's not there and you're certain you're using the correct e-mail address, please send a Support Ticket through our Discord server. We can check our systems to see if anything went wrong on our side when sending the e-mail and we'll be able to help you further.