Crashing During Gameplay

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Crashing During Gameplay

“I was playing Talon Tales when suddenly the game crashed. I got an error log; what should I do?”

This is due to a common sprite/map Issue as a result of non-patched game files. Go to your Talon Tales folder and run GamePatch.exe and wait for it to fully patch. Be sure to have fully patched before starting the game. If you are stuck on a map due to this error, consider filing a Support Ticket with the GM staff to get your character temporarily unstuck.

Please also make sure that the client fully downloads and installs the patch by using the “Run as Administrator” function. Should this not work, consider a full re-install with a clean, full installation download.

If you are using a Lenovo-based machine, this may be the result of an interaction error between Talon Tales and a program called the Lenovo System Interface Foundation. Lenovo System Interface Foundation facilitates communication between the desktop and the following Universal Apps, but may cause errors with Talon Tales. To uninstall it, Computer » Control Panel » Uninstall Program; find “Lenovo System Interface Foundation” within the list, then uninstall.

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